Happiness: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Philosopher Walk into a Concert Hall….

Happiness: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Philosopher Walk into a Concert Hall…. 

What brings happiness, and why does it matter? 

Join us for an evening featuring three engaging perspectives on these questions, including the world’s leading authority on happiness, psychologist Ed Diener. 

Diener kicks off the event with the latest word from the science of happiness, while eminent phi-losopher Valerie Tiberius considers the place of happiness in a good life. Finally, St. Louis’ own Father Ted Vitali, renowned for his colorful storytelling, will share his insight from nearly 50 years as a priest and philosopher, discussing a key source of happiness: love. 

This unique event is hosted by Saint Louis University’s Happiness and Well-Being Project—a 3-year, $5.1 million project funded by the John Templeton Foundation. The evening is part of a conference that convenes 21 research teams from around the world and will be one of the largest-ever gatherings of leading happiness researchers from diverse fields of study.


Location: Sheldon Concert Hall

Wed., May 23, at 7:30 PM

Event Properties

Event Date 05-23-2018 7:30 pm
Location Sheldon Concert Hall